Nintendo Revolution
Nintendo's GameCube
successor is sleeker,
faster, and Internet
enabled. (05/17/2005).
Intel Broadway, 512 MB
Nintendo Game Boy Micro
The tiny Nintendo Game Boy
Micro is the latest handheld
to play Game Boy Advance
titles. (05/17/2005).
Sharp ARM7TDMI, 256 KB
Playstation 3
The next-generation Sony
PlayStation 3 is a graphical
powerhouse with an
impressive array of extra
features. (05/17/2005).
Specs: IBM
Cell 3.2 GHz, 256 MB
Microsoft Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 will deliver
the power of a high-end
gaming PC to the living
room--and include a
tantalizing variety of
nongaming features as well.
Specs: IBM
Custom PowerPC-based 3.2 Hz,
512 MB
Sony PSP
The PSP elevates portable gaming
to the next level, but its
multimedia functionality falls
short of its full potential. (03/23/2005).
Specs: 333 MHz,
32 MB |